2022 Blocto Yearly Report

2022 Blocto yearly report

The Past and Future of Blocto

While the market has been challenging in the last year, the industry remains optimistic about ongoing development and expansion. With increased participation from new players and users, novel products and ideas continue to emerge, and Blocto perceives significant potential to expand and grow.

Blocto’s current focus includes the ERC-4337 standard, the EVM ecosystem, and cross-platform functionalities. As a long-standing smart contract wallet, Blocto has extensive experience developing account abstraction, which aligns with the ERC-4337 standard. Regarding the EVM ecosystem, Blocto is working to integrate major Ethereum Layer 2 chains, thereby extending its capabilities. On the cross-platform front, Blocto is enabling seamless experience between Mobile, Web and developing SDKs for game engines to enhance user accessibility and convenience. Read on to explore our recent achievements and future plans in the following sections:

ERC-4337: The Smart Contract Wallet Standard Ethereum Needs

Despite market challenges, ETHDenver 2023 showcased the unwavering commitment of the Ethereum community to building a decentralized future and emphasized the community’s focus on innovation and development.

The industry has more focus on user experience and wallet infrastructure solutions. Apart from @WalletConnect, RPC services such as MEV-boosted RPC services and MPC service providers like @Web3Auth and @IntuOfficial are improving overall wallet security with MPC technology. Most importantly, the ERC-4337 has been deployed on the mainnets of mainstream EVM chains!

Blocto together celebrated 4337 on mainnet announcement by Yoav

ERC-4337 proposes that every user account on the Ethereum blockchain is implemented as a smart contract, which aligns closely with Blocto’s solution. In fact, there are notable conceptual similarities between Blocto and ERC-4337, as we essentially provide an abstract digital wallet accessed via users’ email addresses that enables sponsored transactions.

Leveraging Blocto’s experience with account abstraction, we can quickly adapt our architecture to align with the ERC-4337 standard. By building on the Contract Wallet as a foundation, we will delve into the Blocto ecosystem, considering the motivations behind ERC-4337, and discussing the specific components proposed in ERC-4337 along with the design goals that led to their inclusion. To learn more about ERC-4337 and its relation to Blocto, you can read this article: Unlocking Wallet Potential: Exploring EVM Account Abstraction (ERC-4337)

In our current roadmap, Blocto will take on multiple roles within the ERC-4337 specification, functioning as a Paymaster, Bundler, and Aggregator. Here’s a brief introduction to these functionalities:

  1. Paymaster: Responsible for funding transactions on behalf of users, which helps streamline the user experience by eliminating the need for them to hold native tokens for gas fees.
  2. Bundler: Collects and packages multiple transactions together, optimizing gas usage and reducing overall network congestion.
  3. Aggregator: Acts as an intermediary between users and the blockchain, routing transactions through the most efficient channels and ensuring timely execution.

With the upgrade, users can send transactions through Blocto while effortlessly selecting the executor for each phase. We aim to implement and launch these features this quarter, positioning Blocto as the first ERC-4337 compatible wallet to provide a seamless experience, thus gaining an early advantage in the market.

As an abstract account wallet provider, Blocto is excited about the Ethereum community’s efforts to enhance the EVM account system. Considering Ethereum’s prominence, a widely adopted account solution could revolutionize Web3’s user experience. We eagerly anticipate contributing to this endeavor and playing an active role in its realization.

Capabilities and Accessibility enhance

Expanding EVM universe

Blocto had strong showings of good user experience on Flow and Aptos, giving our service tremendous exposure. For example, our first NFT project, “LFB” launched on Aptos and attracted ~400K new users in just two weeks. We owe these successes to these new blockchains’ more flexible transaction methods, including Aptos, Flow, and Solana. These blockchains simplify account abstraction, providing a seamless experience for dApps and users. You can find more details on how we handle gas fees here: Gas fee/meta transaction on Aptos/ Flow

Leveraging our success and solid user base, Blocto has decided to expand its focus to the EVM ecosystem. This decision is driven by several factors, including the opportunities presented by ERC-4337. This new standard allows us to compete with EOA in the EVM ecosystem, which was previously dominated by EOA.

By integrating with wallet kits and aggregators such as WalletConnect, Rainbowkit, and Dynamic.xyz, we can address compatibility issues and further improve our services. Blocto has supported WalletConnect v2 to increase accessibility and fostered a relationship with WalletConnect to improve the wallet experience in the future. Blocto has also been featured as Wallet of the Week by WalletConnect.

As a long-standing smart contract wallet developer, Blocto has been building in the EVM ecosystem for some time and has never left. With the introduction of ERC-4337, Blocto sees vast opportunities in the long-term future of the EVM ecosystem, making now the perfect time to join. User experience has the potential to be significantly enhanced with the adoption of this standard, and we are excited to continue contributing to the thriving environment. Focusing on the EVM ecosystem, Blocto will not only implement ERC-4337 but also support EVM blockchains like Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon zkEVM, zkSync Era, and other upcoming EVM-compatible networks. Our strategy aims to provide a comprehensive and superior user experience, allowing users to seamlessly engage with the EVM ecosystem and unlock its full potential.

Cross-platform support

Because we aim to provide a seamless Web3 experience for both users and developers, we offer the Blocto SDK to help developers integrate quickly—in as little as two lines of code! We have Javascript, iOS, Android, and Unity SDKs, supporting many different blockchains. With a handful of doc and full support every step of the way, projects can build fast and scale faster with the Blocto SDK.

In response to the rapid advancements in blockchain gaming and the emergence of high-quality games that go beyond GameFi, Blocto has specially developed a Unity SDK for game developers. Our Unity SDK lowers the entry barrier for Web3 game developers and users, streamlining the integration of wallet services. This allows developers to concentrate on creating engaging game experiences without being bogged down by complex integration processes.

The Unity SDK offers an in-app pop-up page that allows users to access our wallet service, creating a smooth wallet experience. Game users can rapidly create and connect accounts without downloading any additional apps. Additionally, Blocto provides an account for universal usage, which is not limited to a single app. This interoperability simplifies account management and blockchain engagement across various applications while enabling users to utilize the wallet within one app. In the case of Raiders Rumble, One of the most popular mobile games on Flow, players can effortlessly create or link their Blocto account in-game within a minute.

As the Web 3 ecosystem continues to expand with a diverse range of applications, Blocto aims to support an even broader array of platforms, ensuring its adaptability and relevance in the future.

Partnership – Embracing Web3 and Web2 Synergy

Besides creating high-quality products, Blocto actively pursues collaborations with prominent Web3 and Web2 partners. In the realm of Web3 partnerships, Blocto dedicates significant effort to fostering the Aptos developer community. On February 6, 2023, Blocto organized a community meet-up in conjunction with the Aptos team as a part of the global Aptos World Tour. The event attracted builders and crypto developers from Taipei and beyond, providing a platform for discussing all aspects of Aptos. Blocto has successfully cultivated relationships with the Aptos Foundation and top-tier projects within the Aptos ecosystem.

Expanding beyond the blockchain ecosystem, Blocto has formed partnerships with reliable infra-service providers such as GALXE, the world’s leading Web3 credential data network. GALXE delivers a cooperative credential infrastructure that enables brands and developers to participate in community activities and develop powerful Web3 products. By collaborating with Blocto, they hope to attract a broader user base.

Additionally, Blocto has joined forces with the popular Korean game project METAPIXEL, where the Blocto SDK facilitates seamless access to blockchain technology for a larger number of gamers.

Furthermore, Blocto has partnered with the CRIPCO NFT platform to offer a more user-friendly experience for creators and users alike. One of the key initiators of CRIPCO DAO, IPX (Former LINE FRIENDS) has invested in Blocto.

In the context of Web2 projects like Yahoo, it is essential to deliver an exceptional user experience, as users may not have prior blockchain knowledge. By enabling email login and transactions through Blocto, users can effortlessly purchase NFTs without needing to understand the complexities of blockchain technology.

Looking ahead, Blocto will continue to forge partnerships in our focus areas throughout the year, striving to create the most user-friendly and robust wallet experience. By collaborating with key industry players, we aim to enhance our offerings further and solidify our position as a leading wallet provider in the blockchain space.

Advances to anticipate in 2023

2023 Q2: Availability improvement

  • ERC-4337 compatible
    • #1 first, mature 4337 with bundler & paymaster function
  • Support mainstream EVM blockchains, including Arbitrum, Optimism, and zkEVM chains.
  • Social login

2023 Q3: Expand the possibilities of applications

  • Cross-platform expansion
  • ERC-4337 is compatible with more possibilities
    • Huge upgrade – OpenBlocto wallet (decentralized version of Blocto)
      • Web Extension
      • Batch transaction & condition transaction
  • BLT Tokenomics & Utility plan

2023 Q4: Acquiring more users to reach mass adoption

  • EVM integration & promising new chains
  • Top projects integration
  • Mature market development (ie: Japan & US market expansion)
  • Generate new revenue stream

Blocto genuinely seeks investor support for resources and guidance on product development and business models, enabling more effective achievement of objectives and fostering mutual growth and success.


The advent of ERC 4337 provides an opportunity for Blocto, coupled with the challenges that come with embracing cutting-edge technology. As the EVM ecosystem continues to evolve, now is the opportune moment for us to integrate our skills and expertise in this thriving environment.

At Blocto, our foremost objective is to develop an unparalleled user experience that caters to both developers and end-users, fostering a wide-ranging and diverse audience. We firmly believe that by delivering exceptional products and services, we will be well-equipped to drive mass adoption in the blockchain industry.

We sincerely appreciate your ongoing support, and together, we look forward to shaping the future of decentralized technology through innovation and excellence.